Saturday, December 16, 2006

mirrors in bathrooms (ad hoc and post mortem)

i was rolling in a land of dinosaurs huge ferns as tall as a person were climbing right out of the ground it smelled wonderful like rich black soil like our compost heap i just want to get back i’m talking about when i was a secret intergalactic spy all over the place and i was in a boy’s bathroom taking a leak and thinking about all these things and i was just this little kid with a little kid haircut and then before i knew it i was older and with friends and doing things together and all this stuff together and then i was drinking and still together with all these friends and everything was kinda mythical and legends we felt were being written as we walked imagine that jesus thor you woulda been jealous and all that shit and now all i know is a vacant dry riverbed and sage growing and vacant really only works when you’re talking about a human place, one built up by our goddamn machines and money and concrete but there i am in an honest to god wilderness with this sage growing and maybe an old antler lying in the dirt, sticking out of this fresh snow and i’m in these boots that i bought at some goddamn country cowboy store with these little leather fringes coming out along the toe and i’m here working on some pipeline that cuts across this land like the hypodermic scar of some goddamn user who can’t kick it no matter how hard they try and forgotten trails through old trees and new snow and old snows and friends a thousand miles away


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