Sunday, March 04, 2007

occupation (or, let's see what's on tv)

A few days ago I received an email from Samah, a friend I met in Nablus. She is in Spain right now, finishing a master’s degree. The Israeli military has once again invaded and occupied Nablus. The military was there for, I think, five days and has now apparently left, for the moment anyway.

I can’t imagine what it must be like for Samah, being away from Nablus, from her home and family and friends, while this happens. Her family’s house has been occupied at least twice in the past by the Israeli military, apparently because it is on the corner of a street, providing a position for the military to watch both streets. The last time soldiers broke in, they set the house on fire and shot a bystander in the chest through an open window in the house.

I wasn’t able to find much in the international media about this current invasion. Reuters literally had a two sentence article about it (I was able to find a little more about it at their website but the two sentence article really sums up mainstream media). I did find some information and apparently a civilian was shot in the neck and died; his son was wounded as well. In the city of Jenin, north of Nablus in the West Bank, three other Palestinians were shot and killed—two members of a militant group and a taxi driver. An apartment in Nablus was also apparently set on fire by the military, which was moving from house to house. At one point, according to eyewitnesses, the military forced a Palestinian to walk in front of the soldiers as they broke into homes. The Israeli Supreme Court has actually ruled this practice illegal. The military hasn’t commented.

So, I am just writing this here to let you know about it. I’m pretty sure the television didn’t let you know. Of course, about four people might read this as compared to the millions watching tv.


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