Friday, April 28, 2006

take back the night

i went to Take Back The Night last night. it was awesome! take back the night consists of a women identified speakout, march, and rally with speakers. women self-empowerment in the face of violence and gender violence are the main issues--there is probably a national webpage about it. there is also a men identified gathering, where men talk about sexual and gender violence, male privledge, and related stuff, followed by a march to the old town square where the men cheer and support the women as they arrive. it was great! i don't know how many people were there....i think maybe 40 men at the speakout and it looked like 400 women marching into the square. i've went a couple of times before (it's an annual event) and it has always been great. last night was really wonderful. it was just incredible to see all of these women walking together shouting and cheering. and to be part of the dialogue and action to change violence and patriarchy in our society. i'll include a list of 10 things that men can do to stop violence against women.

on another, actually not-so-different note, i read one of the best graphic novels i have ever read a few days ago at the library. it's called the tale of one bad rat. the last name of the author is, i think, talbot. read it. it is absolutely incredible. it's beautiful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i read tale of one bad rat too! about a girl who was wandering without a home, something like that, and she was wandering with the rat? with beautiful watercolor artwork, that i remember. i should give it too my sister.

the updates are hard to take, aren't they. Such a storm, storm, storm around the world. Maybe there has always been, maybe our knowledge of them is what's new. I have some beautiful days, after working on a project and finally taking a rest, and the happiness I can have in my little life and interests and passions-- it's just unfair, (who ever said the world was fair?), I have to hold on to the tightness in my chest that tells me that I remember.

But like what you wrote in the entry on the immigrant's rights march, the joy of a rainbow at the same time! We have to hold onto both, the cry and the rainbow, two hands and one mind!

Lol, I don't know what I'm saying. Things are great here in France- just got done working on a big project that will hopefully help out a theater in Jenin-- and loving life at the same time. I'm glad to read little insights into your life, and hope you keep going seeing the rainbows and the rats and the marches and working in that garden. My best, best thoughts to you and Jen and your family and friends.

lots of love,


8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmph! the link beforehand didn't work. listen, there are many of us ex-nablusis that have blogs. some are hidden, some are abandoned, and some can be shared. i'll let you in on mine- in the id thingy, there's a pretty picture of a sun. the name of the picture is: "all the world is but one country". now isnt that a great name??!!


ps- meli meli is a great song by cheb mami.

pps- an interesting book online called 'comrades and enemies- arab and jewish workers in palestine, 1906 - 1948' -
i havent yet finished it, but i like it a lot so far!

ppps- xen is the abandoned blog. we should leave her messages to get her going again. :)

8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you been following blank noise in india ( or any of the holla backs in the u.s.?

11:09 AM  

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