Wednesday, January 30, 2008

special day

Happy birthday, sweetheart!


Blogger ben said...

...No idea what the thing in the woods was. I had briefly thought it could have been some kind of Bigfoot, but even though the woods cover a good size piece of land, it's still smack dab in the middle of the city.
So I dunno. It was probably a huge deer or something, but...still. At 2 in the morning when one is still half asleep, it could have been just about anything.

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I just saw this post! Thanks so much, babe! Today you are sick. I hope you are in bed snoozing rather than up and around worrying/other things. So... You'd better not be reading this! Go back to bed! (I love you.)

6:56 AM  

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