Tuesday, June 03, 2008

direct action and elm seed snowfall

I’m inside on a beautiful day, but only for a short while. I’m at a computer lab on campus, formatting and printing some fliers for a direct action film series that a friend and I have put together.

In fact, I’ve been really busy lately—that’s one of the reasons I haven’t been posting anything on here for awhile. Busy with anti-convention organizing, here and in Denver. It feels good and exciting.

I’ve also been doing some gardening. Much of the front yard has been turned into a garden. We’ve had some help from a friend and that has made it seem more like the community-oriented garden we had hoped for.

Elm seeds fell like snow a few weeks ago and covered the open dirt of the garden. Now, they’ve started sprouting and so we spent some time the last couple of days deciding to not become an elm nursery. It’s looking pretty good and lots of stuff is coming up—peas, radishes, carrots, spinach, lettuce, onions. And the kohlrabi, tomatoes, and peppers that we started inside are now doing great in the dirt. A few unanticipated squash plants or something similar are also growing—a pleasant side effect of putting all the food we’ve composted into the garden.


Blogger ben said...

How is your Write-an-Inmate program going?

3:48 PM  

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